Daily Archives: October 30, 2016

EF Core Lets Us Finally Define NoTracking DbContexts

Way back in 2012, I added a feature request to EF6 to allow us to define a context that will never track entities that it retrieves from the database.

(Support Read-Only Context or DbSet)

This is instead of having to add AsNoTracking to all of your queries if you have a DbContext you are using for read-only data. Or more importantly, if your DbContext is being used for data that’s going to be disconnected and therefore never tracked post-query. That means a Web API or service or a controller. Tracking can be expensive if you are retrieving a lot of data and have no plans to update it. And having to remember to add AsNoTracking to every query is a PIA.

I just discovered that this is possible with EF Core and I think it was even in the EF Core 1.0 release!

There is a ChangeTracker property called QueryTrackingBehavior that takes a QueryTrackingBehavior enum whose options are NoTracking and TrackAll.

There are plenty of places to use it, but the one I’m excited about is to place it directly in the constructor of a DbContext to make that context default to never track any entities.

public class BookContext : DbContext
  public BooksReadOnlyContext() { 
    ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = 
 public DbSet<Book> Books {get;set;}
 etc ...

A quick test where I retrieved some books and the inspected the ChangeTracker.Entries returned 0, to show that this was doing what I’ve been dreaming of for over 5 years! Thanks EF team!

   $"Tracked Entities: {context.ChangeTracker.Entries().Count()}");

Another point to be aware of is that just as you have always been able to use the DbSet’s AsNoTracking method to turn off tracking for a particular query, you can now use AsTracking to turn on tracking for a particular query.

Visual Studio Code Snippets to Make Coding EF Core a Little Simpler

I’ve been using the user snippet feature of Visual Studio Code to make it easier to get some of the code I commonly use for EF Core into my files. For example I have C# snippets for DbContext to create a constructor overload that takes in a DbContextOptions parameter, OnConfiguring or OnModeling . I have json snippets to add in the EFCore Commands dependency and the Tools section with EF Core tools.


I finally created a github repository to share them. Since you’ll need to add the csharp snippets into your existing csharp snippets and the same with the json, i have put them into separate csharp.json and json.json files from which you can copy and past my snippets into your own.

Although the instructions are on the user defined snippets page I just linked to, the TL;DR is:

From menu, choose Code, Preferences then User Snippets


That will open a list of snippet files. Choose C# for the C# snippets and Json for the Json snippets. Paste in my snippets!
