NH/VT Upper Valley IT Professionals July Meeting
The next meeting is going to be in the morning!! In fact we are switching to either a morning or lunch time format. So mark your calendars.
When: July 18th Time: 9 – 11:00 am
Where: The Howe Library, Hanover, NH www.thehowe.org
Subject: The Human Disasters: How to prepare for when key personal can’t get to the office. How can technology help, are the systems in place? This includes “Bird Flu”, Accidents/death of key people, and all Disaster things human …
Speaker: Working on it.
RSVP: Please RSVP as this new format requires a bit different logistics. I will also bring a bag of bagels and some cream cheese. Can someone volunteer to bring some drinks? and we have a totally new DVDs from Microsoft including
The Technology Assessment Toolkit and The SBS Community DVD
I also have some great door prizes from my travels to WWPC and Tech Ed 🙂
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