Modified the original title of this post because it was derived from a misquote. Scott Hanselman clarifies with: The quote (what I said was) "EF is joining our team under ScottGu" and "EF is now the M in MVC". Scott Guthrie chimes in with “Yes – now part of my team (which includes ASPNET, WCF, WF, EF, Service Bus, BizTalk, Cache)”
Arthur Vickers, from the EF team, tweeted:
Also, very happy to be moving to @scottgu’s org with the rest of the Entity Framework team. Great for us, great for EF, great for Microsoft.
Just a reminder of Scott’s current role: “responsible for delivering the development platform for Windows Azure, as well as the .NET Framework and Visual Studio technologies used in building Web and server applications.”
A little later there was this on twitter from Noah Coad who is at Dallas Days of .NET (follow #dodn12 on twitter)
@shanselman at #dodn12 "just announced, we have an M in MVC, Entity Framework is now part of ASP.NET"
And then this interesting question from Daniel Bradley:
if Entity framework is to be part of ASP.NET, does this mean open-sourcing of the tools & framework?
Stay tuned….
(and since someone asked, EF has always been part of ADO.NET)