I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and I make no promises that I will do this periodically, but here goes.
These are blog posts I’ve linked to twitter, but that’s ancient history after a few hours.
Code First Stored Procedures With Multiple Results Posted on August 15, 2012. (Rowan Miller from the EF Team)
5 part series on Contributing to newly open-sourced EF by Arthur Vickers (another EF team member)
So you want to contribute to EF? Part 1: Introduction
So you want to contribute to EF? Part 2: The code
So you want to contribute to EF? Part 3: Testing
So you want to contribute to EF? Part 4: Developer experience
So you want to contribute to EF? Part 5: High-level architecture
A Troubleshooting Guide for Entity Framework Connections & Migrations
by K.Scott Allen. This one looks like a compilation of emails I have sent to people who ask me questions like this all the time. Kudos to Scott for putting this together.
Don’t forget that msdn.com/data/ef is the easy way to get to the Entity Framework Developer Center.
I’ve also written some posts on Entity Framework (they all go in my Data Access category). Since you are reading this post, I’ll assume you know how to find those so there’s no point in highlighting them here.