Daily Archives: March 10, 2013

Entity Framework at Boston Code Camp #19

I had the pleasure of going to Cambridge this weekend along with a car load of Vermonters (myself, Rachel Reese, Dennis Doire and Kyle Mitofksy) to participate in Boston Code Camp at Microsoft’s NERD Center.

We left just as Boston was getting pummeled with snow and a prediction of 10-14”. We saw nary a flake on the drive down.

Rachel gave two F# presentations. Dennis gave a session on Specflow and Selenium. I did two talks on ..guess what? Yep Entity Framework.


Session #1 Entity Framework in the Enterprise

The first talk was Entity Framework in the Enterprise. It was a very compressed version of my 3+ hour course of the same name on Pluralsight: Entity Framework in the Enterprise.

You can find the slides for this session on Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/JulieLerman/lerman-ef-in-the-enterprise-bocc13.

I spent quite a lot of time preparing and testing the 6 solutions that I showed in the session. Afterwards a friend noted that I had never actually run any of the apps or test whose code I had spent most of my time exploring. That made me laugh because I had worked hard to ensure that every app ran correctly and every test passed. So to remedy that, I have created a short video on YouTube where you can actually see the tests run (and pass) and the one of the apps running. Here’s that video: Lerman EF in the Enterprise Run Tests BOSCC13 (there’s no sound and it’s about 4.5 minutes).

Session #2: EF FTQs (or Entity Framework, Frequently Tweeted Questions)

I have also put up the slides for the second session on Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/JulieLerman/julie-lerman-entity-framework-ftqs-frequently-tweeted-questions. Something strange happened during the demos. I wanted to show attendees the reverse engineering feature of the EF Power Tools. I pointed to a database and nothing happened…no classes were created. I’ve never seen that happen before. I didn’t see an error message on the bottom of the screen. I tried it again with the same results, so instead of doing what I wanted to which was get to the bottom of the problem, I knew it was better to just move on. I spent some time this morning trying to duplicate the problem and never could. So who knows what happened. So for those of you who haven’t seen this feature before, I recorded a little video (again, no sound and it’s only 78 seconds) so that you can see it in action. That’s here: Lerman Reverse Engineer Database for Code First


It was a great code camp! Congrats to all of the folks who made it happen: speakers, attendees, sponsors and organizers/volunteers…especially to Patrick Hynds, Bob Goodearl and John Zablocki and Chris Pels.
