In honor of the 10th Anniversay of Eric Evan’s book: Domain Driven Design, Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003), I’ve written a 3-part series for my MSDN Data Points column.
August 2013: Data Points: Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs
Domain Driven Design can help handle complex behaviors when building software. But for data-driven devs, the change in perspective isn’t always easy. Julie Lerman shares some pointers that helped her get comfortable with DDD.
September 2013:Data Points: Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 2
In the second column in her series on Domain Driven Design, Julie Lerman shares more tips for data-first developers who are interested in benefiting from some of the coding patterns of DDD.
October 2013: Data Points: Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 3
Julie Lerman explores two important technical patterns of Domain Driven Design (DDD) coding–unidirectional relationships and the importance of balancing tasks between an aggregate root and a repository–and how they apply to the Object Relational Mapper (ORM), Entity Framework.