I love the description of this talk!
Zen and the Art of Web Services (or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love WSDL)
Will Web Services save the world? More importantly, will they save you time? Are Web Services just a bunch of hooey? We’ll separate the good from the bad and dig into the WHY of Web Services and the HOW of the . NET Framework. We’ll go low level and sniff packets on the wire and we’ll go high level and design business documents with XML schema. We’ll auto-generate Business Domain Objects and Messages. We’ll discuss the meaning of the WS*.* specifications, interoperability and get our heads around the “Zen” of Web Services and see where . NET succeeds and where it falls down. This talk will be as technical as you want it to be, but it will also be valuable for the Business Person or Project Manager who really wants to answer the question “Web Services: So What?” Doesn’t sound like the typical Users Group meeting, does it? You’ll just have to come by and find out!
Scott is an INETA Speaker and this event is being sponsored by INETA.
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