Tag Archives: EF

My TechEd Europe Schedule


TEEU_2014_I’m speaking_1I’m so very excited to be heading to Barcelona shortly for TechEd Europe. You may or may not be aware of my dashed hopes last year when I was scheduled to speak at TechEd Europe in Madrid. But when I found myself stuck in the Chicago O’Hare airport on my 2nd day of travel, only to be told I wouldn’t get to Madrid until Thursday afternoon (after 4 days of travel) it was time to turn around and go home. I also had scheduled a post event side trip to Barcelona – this too, I canceled.

I was a little surprised that TechEd was willing to try again considering my bad history but I will be speaking at the 2014 version of the event.

Not only am I looking forward to my first ever trip to Spain and the amazing city of Barcelona, but it will be my first opportunity to meet so many developers that I’ve never met before.

My Session

My talk is on Friday, Oct 31 at 12-1:15pm. Yes, on Halloween!

Entity Framework Model Partitioning in Domain-Driven Design Bounded Contexts
Bounded Context is one of the most critical patterns in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). While you shouldn’t have to worry about your data persistence while you are modeling your domain, it is still worrisome to follow DDD patterns not knowing how you’ll get your ORM to fall in line when it’s time to implement the data layer. Entity Framework sample solutions have a long history of creating one huge model to map to one huge database to satisfy all of the needs of your application. In this session we look at patterns using Entity Framework that will support not only multiple bounded contexts in your software but even those areas that are satisfied with pure CRUD logic. You also see patterns to bridge the divides between those bounded contexts when implementing the data persistence with Entity Framework.

Getting the Most Out of My Session

Dino Esposito will be doing a relevant talk on Tuesday that will be useful if you are new to Domain-Driven Design.

DEV-B211 Architecting and Implementing Domain-Driven Design Patterns with Microsoft .NET  Tuesday, October 28 1:30 PM – 2:45 PM Room: Hall 8.1 Room G

I’d also recommend watching the Domain-Driven Design Fundamentals course that Steve Smith and I created for Pluralsight. It’s about 4 hours long and is a great first look as well as a refresher on some of the key concepts of DDD. You’ll definitely get a lot more out of my talk if you’ve seen this in advance. If you don’t have a subscription to Pluralsight, send me a note and I can get you a 30 day trial code.

Where to Find Me

Here is my current schedule. This does not list talks I plan to attend, but the opportunities I will have to meet people and geek out! Smile


So much bling, I just can’t choose!

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What About EDMX When EF7 Arrives?

I’m getting a lot of folks asking me about the announcement that EF7 will focus on code first and there will be no support in EF7 for designer based EF models.

I’ll give my two cents, even though I do think the EF team has been pretty clear about this in both their blog post about EF7 plans 

EF7 – New Platforms, New Data Stores

and in Rowan Miller’s TechEd talk where he devoted the last 20 minutes to early look at early bits and early thoughts about EF7

Entity Framework: Building Applications with Entity Framework 6

Here’s the scoop: EF6 and the designer will continue to be available and worked on but the big effort will go into EF7 going forward. Personally, I can’t promise it will be around 10 years from now so please don’t bang down my door in 2024.

I’ve also been asked: “should I bother learning about the EDMX since it will not be in EF7?” I firmly believe that learning a bit about modeling via the designer helps get some of the concepts across for if/when you do code first modeling.

Also don’t forget about some of the 3rd party tools that provide designer support such as LLBLGenPro, Huagati Tools,  and DevArt’s Entity Developer. I’m guessing they will be moving their tools forward, though I haven’t looked into it yet.

Some DDD+EF Resources

Could not fit this into a tweet in response to a request.

Here are some resources for how EF can be a partner to a Domain Driven Design world:

Update June 2015:

Microsoft Ignite, Chicago May 2015
Domain-Driven Design for the Database Driven Mind (90 minute presentation video on Channel 9)

Update: October 2014:

MSDN Mag Oct 2014 Issue:
Data Points: A Pattern for Sharing Data Across Domain-Driven Design Bounded Contexts
Julie Lerman explores a way to mirror data as one scenario for sharing data across DDD bounded contexts.

MSDN Mag Dec 2014 Issue:
Data Points: A Pattern for Sharing Data Across Domain-Driven Design Bounded Contexts : Part 2
(will provide link when available)

Video: Oredev, Fall 2013 (by me)

Video: TechEd North America, May 2014 (Vaughn Vernon)
How You Can Implement Aggregates and Domain Entities Effectively in Domain Models, with .NET

Article Series:
MSDN Magazine Data Points Column (by me) Aug, Sept & Oct 2013
Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 1
Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 2
Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs, Part 3

Domain modeling with Entity Framework Scorecard (Jimmy Bogard)

Bonus for NHibernate Converts:
And for those who are looking for this by way of moving from DDD + NH, Jimmy Bogard did a great post (with pointers to related posts) on Migrating from NHibernate to EF.