On Saturday, Rich and I hiked up the Jersusalem trail which is only a short drive from our house. It is one of the many trails that take you up to the Long Trail. This one lands about half way between the App Gap and Mt. Abe.
Alongo the way there were lots of berries growing, none which looked the least bit appetizing. So I took their pics and came home to find out what they were. i’ve only got one id’d so far. And I’m STILL trying to figure out what the flowers were that I saw on an early summer hike that are here. I think I saw them on a wildflower poster somewhere and tried to memorize the name, but forgot by the time I got home. uggh.
The first turns out to be a White Baneberry, aka “Doll’s eyes”, which I identified thanks George Africa’s blog post. George is one of those fairytale gardeners. You’ll see what I mean if you poke around his blog.
Here is a really unpalatable blue berry which really is probably just a dried up seed pod from whatever flower was here. The leaves are reminiscent of a bleeding heart.
This last one looks like maybe it’s some type of viburnum and it’s something I’ve seen frequently. I’ve just looked at pictures of many varieties, but can’t find one quite like this. So maybe it’s something else. but the most important thing is not to eat the darned things.
Speaking of eatingi things in the woods, the chanterelles have finally arrived! They were much later this year than the past few years. I’ve only had one sumptuous batch so far – about 2 pounds that I picked and brought to a recent party and cooked up in pounds of butter. Over the past few years, my skill as a chanterelle cook have definitely improved. High heat, loads of butter and lots of salt & pepper. Very French, just don’t tell my doctor. 😉
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