I’m reviewing my demo that I built for caching data at the middle tier that is part of my query notification session at DevConnections next week – and had a funny moment. I wrote this a while ago and am just revisiting it and felt pretty impressed with myself when I saw how it worked. It’s a little complex but now it seems simple. I used what I learned watching Pablo Castro’s DAT320 session that I have on my TechEd 2005 video as the basis for this. I watched him do it in the video and translated the concepts into a simpler version using VB. I had to deal with some differences in the way static variables interact with shared methods in VB that had me pretty confused (as I’m not so adept with that) – very different than how Pablo did it in his C# demo. But I did get it working and now have a big satisfied grin on my face. And next week I get to share (show it off) with attendees of my session.
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