This was easier than I expected! Go ahead, draw in my blog post! 🙂
(note – If you do not see the drawing surface it’s because this doesn’t seem to work when the blog post is viewed individually. View my entire Silverlight category and it will be rendered properly. I guess I need to keep working on this one…)
This is the Silverlight setup that I used for my tests on this particular page.
I put the javascript and xaml files in the relative folders in my dasblog application:
Then I added the javascript references that are in the header tags of my html page into the header tags of the homeTemplate.blogtemplate file in my blog/themes/myfavetheme folder.
And it just works!
So far this is just letting you draw on the blog page. My persistence code in the later pages of the above mentioned tests use ajax and I’d have to do some major customization to my dasblog app to incorporate that right now. I pretty much use dasBlog out of the box, so I’m not ready to go down that road. I have lots of other stuff to learn, but this was a fun little exercise!