I was happy to finally get that the last 20 slides of the 63 slide deck for my DevDays talk (Web Track – Defenses and Countermeasures) is actually an appendix.
These decks are really designed to be very useful resources after the fact. They do a lot more than just highlight points that we will be talking about. The way they are written, it will be really easy to plug your brain back into the explanations and demos that you will see in the presentations.
And 20 pages of resources and check lists and code samples, on that specific topic! Very nice.
I’m going back and forth from getting ready for next Wednesday’s Edge 2004 East talk on Whidbey to studying and preparing for the first of my DevDays talks which is the Tuesday after that (3/2) in Hartford, CT.
Hopefully the effort will make for great presentations for all who are attending.
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