Help Us Make the Birds-of-a-Feather Discussions a Success!As we said in the February newsletter, INETA is once again coordinating the Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions at TechEd 2008. Based upon feedback, we have extended the deadline for topic submissions to Wed 4/2/2008 and the voting deadline to Mon 4/7/2008. Announcing a program to recognize individuals who help make the BOF sessions a success! If you sign up to host two sessions and moderate one session OR host three sessions, you will get the following special BOF Volunteer Package including: - A TechEd 2008 Day Pass allowing access to all conference sessions, hands-on labs, meals, etc. on Wednesday 6/4/2008 (20 available on a first-come, first-served basis).
- Special BOF t-shirt.
- From all the volunteers, five of their user groups will get an extra INETA speaker between now and the end of 2008.
- Technology book from a major publisher.
- Attend a special lunch on Wednesday 6/4/2008 for an informal discussion with some technology experts like INETA speakers and individuals from the Microsoft product teams.
- Have access to the BOF team room Wednesday evening before and during the sessions where you can get food and drink, take a break and check in with other volunteers.
Contact us at to volunteer and make the BOF sessions a success! Additional Reources: Bof Flyer, February newsletter, topic submissions, voting, moderator instructions/guidelines Please distribute this Bof Flyer to anybody that might be interested in attending TechEd. Thank you. The INETA BoF Team |