Monthly Archives: March 2011

Capturing Code First Fluent API ValidationResults to Display in MVC 3

If you’ve been using code first, you may be aware  that you can add validations such as Required or MaxLength to your classes using DataAnnotations, e.g.,

public string Title{get ;set;}

or using the fluent API:

modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>().Property(p => p.Title).IsRequired();

MVC 3 also recognizes Data Annotations, and the validation defined in the [Required] annotation will flow through to the UI seamlessly.

BLOG POST titlerequired


But MVC 3 doesn’t recognize the the fluent api validation. The controller is aware of them but MVC isn’t able to automatically access them for some reason that I just cannot figure out.

Here for example is an Edit method in a controller class:

public ActionResult Edit(int id, Blog blog)
        db.Entry(blog).State = EntityState.Modified;
        return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(); } }

An alternate patter is to use ModelState.IsValid. But the validation problem discovered by the fluent api is not caught here!

With a method like this:

        public ActionResult Edit(Blog blog)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db.Entry(blog).State = EntityState.Modified;
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            return View(blog);

You’ll get an ugly error


because you have no exception handler.

If you were to capture the exception and inspect the ValidationResult, it looks exactly the same as the ValidationResult returned by the DataAnnotation validation failure. In the following code, it is the error variable that I’m inspecting to check the result.

    catch(Exception ex)
        if (ex is System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
            var ve = ex as DbEntityValidationException;
            var error = ve.EntityValidationErrors.First().ValidationErrors.First();
        return View();

I spent quite a lot of time looking at the error and couldn’t figure out why MVC wasn’t displaying the message. Finally I started debugging the view itself and poking around saw that the model contained error information in the first case (data annotation) but not in the second (fluent api).

So I returned to the exception and manually stuffed the error I discovered into the View’s model.

    catch(Exception ex)
        if (ex is System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
            var ve = ex as DbEntityValidationException;
            var error = ve.EntityValidationErrors.First().ValidationErrors.First();
            this.ModelState.AddModelError(error.PropertyName, error.ErrorMessage);         }
        return View();

With that, my error message was displayed.

Finally, I tweaked the handler to capture all possible errors for that entity, not just the first one:

catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
        var errors = ex.EntityValidationErrors.First(); //.ValidationErrors.First();
        foreach (var propertyError in errors.ValidationErrors)
(propertyError.PropertyName, propertyError.ErrorMessage); } return View(); }

Here now is the view that is capturing not just title is required but a maxlength attribute I added to the blogger’s name property:

BLOG POST maxlength

In my testing, I found that if I use ModelState.IsValid and the exception handler I wouldn’t catch the fluent api excption if there was also a required validation problem (not sure why you would use both, but I checked anyway). But if I skip the IsValid, both problems will be detected in the exception handler.

EF 4.1 also lets you validate using the ValidateEntity method override of DbContext. MVC won’t automatically recognize these either but the exception handler will be sure the model has the validation error information.

Vermont IT Jobs: .NET Developer in Stowe Vermont

Living and working in Stowe, Vermont sounds like a fantasy to me but here it is:

Inntopia is a leading provider of travel reservation technology to the destination travel market, with an emphasis on reservation systems for the snowsports industry.
Inntopia team members share a passion for their work, a love of outdoor adventures and a sense of humor. We are experiencing explosive growth, and are looking to grow the team.
Inntopia offers a great benefits package, flex-time scheduling and highly competitive wages in our Stowe, Vermont office. Visit us at

Please reply to this posting with your resume and cover letter if interested.

This person will be responsible for the design, development, testing, debugging and documentation of web based applications to satisfy the requirements of one or more functional areas of the Inntopia system. This may include hands-on new development as well as support, maintenance or enhancement of existing applications. The individual will work closely with internal and external clients to identify and specify business requirements and processes; researches and evaluates alternative solutions and makes recommendations. The individual will be involved in the full project life cycle while working with project managers to take requirements through design, development, QA, and implementation.

2+ years experience in at least 2 of the following technologies:
• XSL/XPath
• AJAX / JavaScript
• SOAP/Web Services

Familiarity with the at least 2 of the following development applications:
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005
• XMLSpy
• ApexSQL Edit
• Visio
• Ability to develop and maintain software on Microsoft .NET platform
• Ability to develop software in a group or independently
• Ability to develop software in accordance with OWASP Secure Coding Practices
• Ability to write software specifications outlining design requirements
• Comfort with direct communication with all levels of technical and business resources
• Self-managing self-motivated learner with good written and oral communication skills
• Travel/hospitality industry experience
• Experience with high-volume transactional accounting systems (accounts receivable and accounts payable)
• Experience with complex pricing and commission structures
• Experience with security protocols (i.e. OWASP Top Ten, PCI Compliance, and data encryption standards)
• Experience with software development process management
• Experience developing multi-lingual web applications


John Spencer
Director of Software Development

Round tripping a timestamp field with EF4.1 Code First and MVC 3

MVC is by definition stateless so how do you deal with timestamp that needs to be persisted across post backs in order to be used for concurrency checking?

Here’s how I’m achieving this using EF4.1 (RC), Code First and MVC 3.

I have a class, Blog.

Blog has a byte array property called TimeStamp, that I’ve marked with the code first DataAnnotation, Timestamp:

public byte[] TimeStamp{get; set;}

If you letting CF generate the database you’ll get the following field as a result of the combination of byte array and TimeStamp attribute:


So the database will do the right thing thanks to the timestamp (aka rowversion) data type – update that property any time the row changes.

EF will do the right thing, too, thanks to the annotation – use the original TImeStamp value for updates & deletes and refresh it as needed –if it’s available, that is.

But none of this will work out of the box with MVC. You need to be sure that MVC gives you the original timestamp value when it’s time to call update.

So…first we’ll have to assume that I’m passing a blog entity to my Edit view.

       public ActionResult Edit(int id)
           var blogToEdit=someMechanismForGettingThatBlogInstance();
           return View(blogToEdit); 

In my Edit view I need to make sure that the TimeStamp property value of this Blog instance is known by the form.

I’m using this razor based code in my view to keep track of that value:

[after posting this, Kathleen Dollard made me think h arder about this and I realized that MVC 3 provides an even simpler way thanks to the HiddenFor helper…edits noted]

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.TimeStamp)

This will ensure that the original timestamp value stays in the timestamp property even though I’m not displaying it in the form.

When I post back, I can access that value this way:

        [HttpPost]         public ActionResult Edit(byte[] originalTimeStamp, Blog blog)         {          

When I post back, Entity Framework can access still get at the original timestamp value in the blog object that’s passed back through model binding.

        public ActionResult Edit(Blog blog)

Then, in the code I use to attach that edited blog to a context and update it, I can grab that originalTimeStamp value and shove it into the blog instance using Entry.Property.OriginalValue, like so, EF will recognize the timestamp value and use it in the update. (No need to explicitly set the original value now that I’ve already got it.)

  db.Entry(blog).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
  db.Entry(blog).Property(b => b.TimeStamp).OriginalValue = originalTimeStamp;   db.SaveChanges();

After making the Dollard-encouraged modification, I verified that the timestamp was being used in the update:

set [Title] = @0, [BloggerName] = @1, [BlogDetail_DateCreated] = @2, [BlogDescription] = @3
where (([PrimaryTrackingKey] = @4) and ([TimeStamp] = @5))
select [TimeStamp]
from [dbo].[InternalBlogs]
where @@ROWCOUNT > 0 and [PrimaryTrackingKey] = @4′,N’@0 nvarchar(128),@1 nvarchar(10),@2 datetime2(7),@3 nvarchar(max) ,@4 int,@5 binary(8)’,@0=N’My Code First Blog’,@1=N’Julie’,@2=’2011-03-01 00:00:00′,@3=N’All about code first’,@4=1,@5=0x0000000000001771

You can use the same pattern with any property that you want to use for concurrency even if it is not a timestamp. However, you should use the [ConcurrencyCheck] annotation. The Timestamp annotation is only for byte arrays and can only be used once in a given class.

If you use ConcurrencyCheck on an editable property, you’ll need to use a hidden element (not hiddenfor) to retain the value of that property separately, otherwise EF will use the value coming from the form as the original property then grab it s a parameter of the Edit post back method and finally, use Entry.Property.OriginalValue (all that crossed out stuff Smile)  to shove the value back into the entity before saving changes.

The next video in my series of EF4.1 videos for MSDN (each accompanied by articles) is on Annotations. It’s already gone through the review pipeline and should be online soon. It does have an example of using the TimeStamp annotation but doesn’t go into detail about using that in an MVC 3 application, so I hope this additional post is helpful.

Seeding a Database With EF4.1 Code First

Based on an email in my inbox, I wanted to point out the key to overriding the Database Initializer that seeds a newly generated database when you use EF 4.1 code first.

The Seed method takes whatever you put in the context and saves it to the database. So in your override, you don’t need to call SaveChanges but you DO need to be sure to call the base Seed method at the end.

Here’s some sample code that I’m using in the code first & EF 4.1 videos & articles  I’m working on for MSDN (3 online, more coming). This particular one is targeted for when a model change causes the database to be dropped and recreated.


public class BlogContextInitializer
: DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<BlogContext> { protected override void Seed(BlogContext context) { //create sample data and attach it to the context.
   new List<Blog>
    new Blog { BloggerName = "Julie", Title = "My Code First Blog",
               BlogDetail=new BlogDetails{Description="About code first",
DateCreated=new System.DateTime(2011,3,1)} ,Posts=new List<Post>{
new Post {
Title="ForeignKeyAttribute Annotation",
Content="Mark navigation property with ForeignKey"}} }, new Blog { BloggerName = "Ingemaar", Title = "My Life as a Blog", BlogDetail=new BlogDetails{
Description="Random tidbits",
DateCreated=new System.DateTime(2011,1,1)}}, new Blog { BloggerName = "Sampson", Title = "Tweeting for Dogs", BlogDetail=new BlogDetails{
Description="How to tweet without opposable thumbs",
DateCreated=new System.DateTime(2011,2,1)}} }.ForEach(b => context.Blogs.Add(b));
   base.Seed(context);  }

Somewhere in your startup code, e.g., global.asax in a website, main in an app, you also need to be sure to tell EF to use this overload:

System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new BlogContextInitializer());


New EF4 & EF4.1 content on MSDN

I’ve been busily writing and recording screencasts about Entity Framework 4 and 4.1 for MSDN and some of the fruits of my labor are finally online. Although there is much more to come.

1) Drag & Drop Databinding with the Entity Framework and WPF
Learn how developers can use the Entity Framework to easily build WPF windows or even master detail windows with WPF with little or even no code at all.

2) Building an MVC 3 App with Code First and Entity Framework 4.1
In this whitepaper, Julie Lerman walks through creating a simple MVC 3 application using Entity Framework’s code first technology to describe the classes and manage all data access.

3) Building an MVC 3 App with Model First and Entity Framework 4.1
In this whitepaper, Julie Lerman walks through creating a simple MVC 3 application using Entity Framework’s model first workflow and how to use features introduced in Entity Framework 4.1 DbContext API to write the data access code.

4) Building an MVC 3 App with Database First and Entity Framework 4.1
In this whitepaper, Julie Lerman walks through creating a simple MVC 3 application using Entity Framework’s database first workflow and how to use features introduced in Entity Framework 4.1 DbContext API to write data access code.

Links & Resources from 24HOP Presentation

•Programming Entity Framework, 2nd Ed, O’Reilly Media

•MSDN Data Dev Center (

•SQL Server Developer Center, Database Connectivity

•EF Team Blog: 

•Improvements to Generated SQL in .NET 4.0 May, 2010

•LINQ to SQL & Entity Framework: Panacea or evil incarnate? –Bob Beauchemin 2008 6-Part Blog Series

Vermont IT Jobs: Software Test Engineer, Burlington area, 1 year contract

Software Test Engineer

This is a 1 year contract, must be US Citizen or Green Card.

BS Degree

Minimum of 3 years experience

Candidate should have the following experience:

Team environment developing test cases for functional software requirements, candidate will design and write scripts for automated requirements based functional test of complex GUI software.

*Silverlight applications

*Silverlight Unit Test Framework

*Process Oriented Environment


*C#, Silverlight, WPF, & XAML

*Windows Powershell

Experience writing test documentation, plans procedures, and reports

Experience debugging test scripts

If interest please call Judi Tingley at 1-877-334-7700 ext. 247

Judi M. Tingley
Senior Technical Recruiter
Advanced Technology Innovation Corporation