Daily Archives: February 19, 2012

DbContext book status

largercoverThings are moving again! Our publisher had a production backup due to some staffing changes. Rowan and I are now reviewing the first version of the production manuscript (that is after they’ve converted our Microsoft Word documents into a single doc formatted for the final printing). We’ve got a PDF copy of that and are reading through and marking up any last changes we’d like to have fixed in the manuscript.

We’ve been told that the book will head to the printer (and digital production) on Feb 23rd. If it’s like the Code First book, the digital versions (PDF, mobi (aka kindle) and ebook from  O’Reilly and kindle from Amazon) will be available quickly with the print books to follow a week or so after that. Amazon has the book listed as “shipping March 8th” although I’m hoping that we see it sooner than that.
