My latest MSDN Magazine column – October 2014 issue – has just gone live.
A Pattern for Sharing Data Across Domain-Driven Design Bounded Contexts
Julie Lerman explores a way to mirror data as one scenario for sharing data across DDD bounded contexts.
Even though the solution is available for download, it involves installing and running RabbitMQ and learning my way around the server’s UI. For me that was a fun and almost freeing step of building the solution. It even meant installing Erlang on my laptop. Lots of fun but lots of learning curves.
But it may be more than some readers want to commit to. So I recorded a video of me debugging through the solution so that you can see how it works.
I recommend reading the article first and watching the Domain-Driven Fundamentals course that Steve Smith and I created for Pluralsight will really help. If you don’t have a Pluralsight subscription yet (really?) send me a message through my contact form and I can hook you up with a free trial. Warning…can lead to addiction.
Anyway, here is the video. There is no sound…I’ve used captions to explain. [youtube]