MY NEW Pluralsight COURSE IS OUT! EF Core 6 and Domain-Driven Design. Yippee! I spent 3 months heads down on this (and years preparing for it!)

This happily aligns with a current 50% off sale on annual subscriptions.
Also note that as with *all* PS courses, they are limited to “expanded” library for the first few days but this will be part of the standard library (available to all) hopefully by the end of this week.
Short description
“Data persistence is important to your application workflow. This course will teach you how to use Entity Framework Core 6 and 7 effectively to persist data from your DDD designed software.”
The module titles should give you a better flavor of this course:
- Understanding Where EF Core 6 Fits Alongside DDD (Includes an overview of DDD)
- Analyzing and Planning Our Domain (Strategic and tactical design walkthrough)
- Exploring the Contract Bounded Context Solution
- Adding the First EF Core DbContext
- Tuning Default Mappings for the Data Model
- Using Integration Tests to Validate Persistence
- Reasoning About Many-to-Many Variations
- Mapping Aggregates to Azure CosmosDB
- Organizing Persistence Logic to Support DDD Design (Repositories, services, search and sharing data and events across bounded contexts)