The auction has ended. We had a lot of people bidding! The lowest winning bid was $152.50 so even if the winners only pay what eBay requires them to pay ($152.50), we have raised $4575 for Aceh Aid at IDEP. I have heard many people are planning to pay the actual maximum amount that they bid (which we can’t see) so I expect the final tally to be much higher. This was great! Thanks for everyone’s contributions – whether they were a bid, an hour, an offer for a future hour or some p.r. on their blogs.
Here is the final list. Perhaps we will translate it into real names at some point (with everyone’s permission). We will let everyone know what the final true amount is!!
EBay sorts them in the order of the highest bid yet only shows the lowest winning bid. The draft will be based on what people actually pay (per consultant). It will be in one week. Check back for more info!
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