6 thoughts on “Our Code First Ebook 1/2 price today on O’Reilly site

  1. Julie,

    I recently went over the Code First Book and it does provide a good insight into Code-First. However, I was wondering if it will be possible for you to do a quick sample showing Domain Driven Design with EF Code First.

    One of the problems I am facing is how to split a large enterprise database across different DB Context and to use them. Bounded Context and Context Maps do provide a solution but how to split DBContext across them would be very helpful.



  2. Julie,

    I’m following the example in Code First. Everything is OK until I run the console application and I get a Create Database permission denied error from Master. I’m running VS11 on a 64 bit HyperV system. What do I have to set to make this work?

  3. I’ve send this happen on VS2010 installs (sorry I can’t help you with VS2011) where user let VS2010 install SQL Server Express and by default SSE limits permissions for database creation. In those scenarios, if we want to continue to use sql server express then we have to uninstall SSE and reinstall it from a normal MSI (NOT from Visual Studio installer).

    FWIW, there’s an MSDN forum for help wtih EF and Code FIrst. This is not really a problem related to our book. Thanks for understanding in the future.

  4. "The light has finally turned on!" wow, it has taken me way too long to shed ADO.Net and grasp EF and LINQ. Your big book pointed me in the right direction but your new Code First book flipped the switch on. So long to ADO.Net, hello EF. Thanks Julie and I’m looking forward to buying your next book on DBContext. Cheers!

  5. I took a look at the book and, despite taking it as a huge step on learning Code First better, I feel I’d like to read something about relationships with junction tables. All you say is that we can personalize the name of it; what about if I need to put some information there? I was kind of expecting some review on your article thedatafarm.com/…/inserting-many-

  6. Tyron- many to many relationships work just the same in code first as it does with an EDMX. You can have many to many if your join table ONLY has the FKs in it. I fyou want more data in the join table then you can’t have a many to many relationship. You just have three entities that relate to each other.

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