Category Archives: Asia

Thanks MAXTOR for 2 One Touch external hard drives for Aceh Relief efforts

My brother in law, Greg, works for Maxtor in Colorado. I knew from him that there was location in Singapore which is not quite as far from Indonesia. So with Greg’s help, I contacted some people in the Singapore location and they overnighted two of their One Touch drives to the folks at in response to this plea that Susi made on her blog for fear of losing all of the precious information they have to in conjunction with the work they are doing.

Thanks Maxtor!!!!

How to reach decision makers?

One of the current lead stories on is about how the web played an instant and important role after the tsunami disaster. I couldn’t help notice this paragraph

Both and feature links to the American Red Cross. EBay allows sellers to donate 10 to 100 percent of their proceeds to UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, through eBay Giving Works, as well as other charities.

Apple had their home page changed really quickly. Microsoft’s is now all about links to aid also, but it took them longer to get to it. So Apple and Amazon get the great mention here and deserve it to for their speed in making the decision to switch the home page and carrying it through.

It’s really hard to make things happen quickly at big companies. I’m finding that as we are trying to get donations from companies. I emailed the p.r. person from a hard drive manufacturer asking for a hard drive. You think that would be GOOD p.r. But she has to ask around. It will take a few days. It’s a $200 hard drive (retail).

Colin Powell goes to Aceh

“We’ve all seen pictures on our television sets and in our newspapers of the damage that occurred here, but only by seeing it in person from a helicopter flying low over the city can you get a real appreciation of what it must have been like when the tsunami came through and caused so much death and destruction.”

from cnn

How the local community in Indonesia is outreaching the international aid orgs

this is amazing!1p9unOFWMVQ3UgLkL7kGIYDA!213.entry

please help these people! they are getting INTO the aceh province they are getting supplies in. They are not getting stuck in the airport or at theports. It is getting harder and harder to get supplies and people uot into the field.

URGENT NEED for More Virtual Volunteers and networking help

Keith and I can only do so much. We are on a 13(me) and 10( Keith) hour Time difference with the office in Bali. They need more people that can help them out. They emailed in the middle of the night with virus worries. Can someone help us? Our huge worldwide network….somone??

We are not only trying to support those needs but also scrambling to find connections for hardware (i.e. we found mac hardward but now need to arrange funding, also they are desparate for an external hard drive to back up).

Please go the the page and also Susi’s blog at to see what is needed. I have to go back to get a few moreo hours of sleep.


News from Paschal Leloup in Phuket

Paschal and his wife were in Phuket when the tsunami hit. They stayed and have found ways to help. You can tell how much this experience has tied his heart and sould to Phuket. He wants to make sure the whole world hears that now more than ever, they need their tourist industry to thrive. Read more.