Category Archives: Blogging

my blog is being hacked

okay – there just went the folder with all of my blog images

I am downloading fast and furiously

To whatever a**hole is doing this: Thanks so very much. It would be nice to be able to get some billable work done today. Help my clients. You know, the little things in life.

TechEd Speakers Charity Auction

*Temporarily* turning off comments

Too much comment spam – server problems, etc etc. I am going to do a clean install of the latest dasblog and maybe captcha as well. Ahh, Sundays. I have always gotten gobs of referral spam, but since I don’t show referrers, I didn’t worry. But now the comments spam is coming on fast and furiously.

DevLife blog is live (just awaiting its skin)

My DevLife blog on the DevSource website is now live. It is awaiting it’s skin, and I’ve asked for Captcha … which one should we use??

But I have started posting things to there as well. Here’s how it’s gonna work. When I post something there, I will post a bit of it on this blog. Click on the text of the post and it will bring you to the full post on the DevLife blog.

You can also subscribe directly to the DevLife blog. It’s a .Text blog. I’ve already got a few posts there now and have some more organizing to do. And no, the makeup picture isn’t there yet!! 🙂

Male Bonding blogging

Sometimes when I read blogs (and I’m talking about those from the .NET community) I think that the male bloggers (you know, that 99% of the .NET bloggers) are definitely writing for guys, when in the context of a technical post, they make some joke about their sexual prowress or the hottie quality of a particular woman. I don’t really think a post like that was written for me. I dunno – maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think I’m ultra sensitive. Even if I am highly unlikely to ever be the subject of “who’s the hottest…” 🙂

But it is a bit of a turnoff for me to be lured into a post like that and then suddenly be in the middle of some male bonding ritual. Not a big problem, mind you, because I *am* in the company of men, and I know they are really just being silly more than anything…

Getting bashed for blogging your opinions

I hate seeing this happen! [With her permission,] I am copying and pasting Heather’s post here because she might remove this explanation as well. She already chose to remove the original post. I can understand, I had to do this once, too, although I didn’t get hate mail, just a lot of people who wanted me to debate when I just didn’t feel like it.

04 Apr 05 – 11:51

i’ve gotten so much hate mail from writing about a certain film with an assisted suicide, a crappy script and poor props management that i simply took it down.

never again will i express opinions that have even the remotest possibility of offending anyone with a taste for bad films. it’s simply not worth it!

i tried writing back directly to those who’ve left comments but they didn’t have the decency to spew their venom from real email addys.

this post will only remain up temporarily, just so you can get this message- in particular the very most recent and evil one which threatened me with God, etc in it. who’s site is this anyway?

Test Test: Microsoft blogs move

I noticed a bunch of test posts coming through my aggregator from MS bloggers. Then I went over to and saw they were gone, although they still exist at I also remember noticing earlier this week. So Josh Ledgard and Robert Scoble explain the changes. Basically they have moved to Ccommunity Server and finally disconnected from the big community blog, creating a dev blog and a tech blog. Lastly there’s a portal page where you can search those blogs rather than googling to find a blog when you can’t remember someone’s blog name. I’d like to see an alphabetical list (actually two, one by last name, one by first name) of all of the MS blogger there. All in all – good move!