Category Archives: Ineta

Two user groups thinking about their future

This morning I see not one, but two posts from user group leaders who are reassessing how their user group is working and what they need to do for the future of the group.

Sam Gentile leads Beantown.NET, in downtown Boston. The other long-established and very large Boston.NET group is actually in Waltham, which is some 20-30 miles outside of Boston, so having meetings downtown definitely satisfies the needs of some developers. But after a year, Sam was ready for the group to be more than a one-off every month: get more organized, have some direction. Here is his description of the meeting his group had about this and the outcome. (Also in this post is some great news for Sam, a new fun job doing something he is really excited about!)

Joey Brenn, from Wichita Developers.NET had similar things on his mind when he attended the INETA User Group Leader summit in Orlando last month. He wants his group to be more organized and really think into the future. He knew that to do that he needed to have some corporate sponsorship, but without non-profit status, there are barriers to that. I definitely know about this. For VTdotNET, I try to keep financial transactions at a minimum and anything anyone gives the group, they do out of the goodness of their heart since we aren’t a non-profit. We don’t even have a bank account. Any extra cash we have (like oh, $40 maybe – when we get pizza ourselves and the members contributions exceed the cost of the pizza) is in a little jewlery box in my dresser! So Joey came home from the summit and knew that the next step for his group was to become a non-profit. This will take organization and dedicated volunteers and it sounds like Joey is on the right track for his group.

User groups are very different and everyone has a different formula for success. I like to use my little group, VTdotNET, and Chris Pels’ Boston .NET as good examples of how different they can be. My group is small, though we get 25-40 people at our meetings and a few times even 50. I basically run the group myself, though I now have a dedicated person to pick up pizza and someone who has just started picking up the soda. Other than that, I do it myself – organize meetings, find space, find speakers, get swag, do the website, do the meeting announcements, etc. and it has worked. Chris’s group went through a major transition about 3 years ago when he realized it was just getting too big. Boston has a HUGE developer community – Code Camps and DevDays there draw some 400-500 attendees. Boston.NET is now very organized and runs like a little corporation. They have lots of very dedicated volunteers who have totally taken ownership of different tasks and their website… wow! But both groups are very successful. Everyone figures out what works for them. Not having a structure and people to be responsible for and all of the overhead of being very organized works very well for me – it’s my style and I know how to run with it! Except for 2 weather related cancellations, we have had great and well attended meetings every month for over three years now. We have done well without getting funding. We manage to get gifts for speakers, donated or from the jewelry box fund and get pizza paid for for about 1/2 of our meetings and we get lots of books and swag to give away.

Anyway, there is no one pattern that works for all groups. Although people focus on the tangibles that INETA provides (i.e. speakers, some swag and whatever else they have up their sleeves for the coming years 😉 ) I think what user group leaders can learn from each other has always been the greatest benefit. Oh – that’s a perfect way to plug the totally ignored INETA forums, except for the fact that there is a new website coming down the pipes so I have no idea what will happen to them. Hopefully all of the info in there will stick around in some format.

Leaving the INETA NORAM Board

At the INETA NORAM User Group Leader Summit on June 5, a new board was announced. I am no longer on the INETA NORAM board. The original board members and founders of INETA (Bill Evjen, Brian Loesgen, Keith Franklin, Keith Pleas) as well as myself (I was not a founding board member) are now on the Advisory Board for INETA NORAM. It was actually the old board that voted in the new board.

I am also [finally] passing on the production of the monthly INETA Newsletter that I have been doing for the past three years. The first two years, I did this on my own and then I finally I had Sheri Nawrocki’s phenomenal help (she did the design, artwork and physical production, which is why it has been looking so beautiful) as well as some great editing assistance from Scott Swigart 

If I had kids, I might liken this to watching your kids go off to college. 

INETA has come a long (enormously long) way and accomplished incredible things in the past 3 years. It has gotten to a point where it has outgrown its grassroots roots (sic) and needs to be run like a professional organization. That’s just not somewhere that I shine (reports? concalls? plans? agendas? minutes? phew!), but it is a perfect role for the new President, Chris Pels (who is one of the most organized people I know) and the rest of the nine member board.

Watch the INETA website for further information about the changes to INETA. I am not leaving INETA (it would take a total blood transfusion as well as a heart replacement to do that!). I am still a liaison and my role on the Advisory board will keep me involved with what is going on.

TechEd Speakers Charity Auction

INETA Growth

I was just updating some old “About INETA” powerpoints to use at the Candian User Group leader summit that is being hosted on June 18th at the DevTeach conference. The slides were from April 2003. I had to change the numbers on the slides from

April 2003275 User Groups87,000 Developers41 Countries


June 2005775 User Groups 374,819 Developers 65 Countries


The database has not yet caught up to the fact that INETA has 5 worldwide regions. That will change soon. But for now, here are some additional statistics I have pulled together.


NORAM (U.S./Canada)
LATAM (Latin America)
APAC (Asia Pacific)
MEA (Middle East & Africa)
EUROPE (Europe J)

TechEd Speakers Charity Auction

INETA May NORAM Newsletter went out last night

Oh yeah, and we left the “Test” title on the email – since we email it to each other in advance for last minute checks. So even though it says “Test” that is the real deal!!!

Lots of good stuff in there – our User Group Leader Summit schedule, an article on creating Certification Study Groups, some new NORAM Liaisons have come on board (yippee!!!) and more more more.

If you are not on the newsletter email list, you can sign up on the h ome page of INETA. The newsletters (NORAM’s and other regions) are archived at

As always, if you have ANYTHING to share that your user group is proud of, or an idea you think other user groups could benefit from, a community driven event coming up, let us know!! Email [email protected].

As INETA grows, so grows our volunteer base

Do you know that worldwide, INETA has (at the moment) 769 member user groups? INETA NORAM (that’s North America, as in US & Canada) accounts for 250 of those groups. About 200 of them are in Latin America. APAC is about 120, Europe 130 and MEA (Middle East & Africa) is about 70. We have groups in places like Bulgaria, Iceland, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Micronesia and even little ol’ Vermont :-).

Anyway, what started me off was that I wanted to welcome a few of the new liaisons in NORAM: Rob Windsor from Toronto, Scott Spradlin of Missouri and Morgan Baker in Florida.

TechEd BOFs – Discussions, not presentations

Just a reminder!

Birds of a Feather sessions are not presentations or panel discussions. There are no speakers and no slides. A microphone and whiteboard will be available, but there will be no projection equipment.

By proposing a session you agree to host it and moderate the discussion at the conference. You do not have to be a subject matter expert in order to host a session. You have to have a genuine interest in the topic. You may propose more than one session, however preference may be given to allow more people the opportunity to lead.

Submit proposals here
Vote here

User Group Leaders – PLEASE steal this idea

I got this idea from attending and speaking at GUVSM meetings in Montreal and have been doing it at Vermont.NET since October of last year. I prepare a powerpoint deck of what’s going on in the area, upcoming events. other things people should know (eg. Microsoft’s 2nd chance certification which I will put in my march deck). I run the deck as a slideshow when people are arriving and getting settled. THen at the start of the meeting, I use the deck as talking points to let everyone know what’s going on so I don’t forget anything. Any links, etc that are in the deck, are also on my user group website so people don’t have to take notes from it.

Here is the deck from our March meeting.

Feel free to steal this idea!