Drew expresses like a grown up what I have been whining about lately (or did I manage not to publish those posts?). I guess it’s that fatherhood thing that gives him such an adult outlook!
Drew expresses like a grown up what I have been whining about lately (or did I manage not to publish those posts?). I guess it’s that fatherhood thing that gives him such an adult outlook!
Damn! This is the next in a line of cool stuff Ryan is doing with Longhorn. Very impressive. Trying to remember what I did with all of the free time on my hands when I was 20 (ish)…
Business People Liken Stress of Travel to Trip to Dentist, According to New Survey Released by Microsoft
Company Is Introducing New Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service In Series of Events to Dramatize Unnecessary Hardships of Business Travel
This caught my eye because I am in the throes of trying to decide whether or not to accept an unsolicited invitation (request really) to speak at the Mobile Devcon. It would mean 3 trips to the west coast in the course of two months (MVP Summit in April and TechEd in May). I live in Vermont. I am stressed out just contemplating this and I really owe them an answer.
Have you seen these funny commercials for people with [I assume] mild incontinence? The lady in the jury box in the middle of a trial, the lady stuck in her car with the grandkids at a drive through safari?
It makes my husband laugh and tease me. Why? Why am I even writing about this? No, I don’t have that particular problem. However, I do seem to sit in front of the computer, knowing I gotta go, but… just gotta finish this last thought in my blog or… try this last line of code to see if it does the trick etc. Hours can go by. God forbid I have to sneeze! (hee hee) Rich is always amazed. He think Microsoft should stop sending me t-shirts and mugs and maybe send me Depends instead.
I have a sneaking suspicion that there are probably a lot of geeks who do this, too.
Oh well, gotta go… 🙂
Don’t you always wonder what mysterious things are going on when suddenly a rash of (or even just a few) bloggers announce that they are going to “campus”. Oooh aaah. I remember last year James Avery talked about it a lot. I’m starting to see it pop up again. But you never hear WHY anyone goes. Everything is shrouded in mystery. Rory was the only one who said “I’m going because it’s fun and my birthday”. There is definitily a big event coming up in April which is the MVP global summit. So you will hear a lot of people talking about that.
4/14/04: Now he tells me: I misspelled Casey’s last name in the title and below and am correcting it for google’s sake. But my misspelling, for those of you who came here for the laugh was “Chestnut“.
I haven’t looked at Casey Chesnut’s weblog in a long time. Not since I was fiddling with doing some work on the pocket pc for a client but that turned into a tablet/laptop app.
Don Box recently pointed to Casey’s blog. I have been looking around there. I have a sinking feeling after looking at what he is doing which is something along the lines of wondering who I think I’m kidding sometimes when writing about the things I am learning. This guy is damned smart and he doesn’t have to work too hard for it to show.
I am so unfocused – one day trying to rebuild my server, another day playing with ink controls, the next day looking at wse2 the next day Whidbey bits and then Lonestar and around and over and under and back and forth. And all in between trying to do my own work, etc. I don’t get a chance to stick with any one thing long enough and I am looking at just too many things at once. Not sure where I am going with this thought. Part of me (and everyone I know) says I need a major vacation. But then of course I’ll only fall further behind.
(Subscribed of course.)
I thought I had beat the most famous non-admin problem of running quickbooks by using the “run as” option. My days as a non-admin user were almost becoming a full week of success until I tried to revisit a VB6 project and compile it. Throw on the breaks. System Registry access problems. I logged out and back in as admin and gave myself full perms on the hkey_local machine section. Back to my own login – still no compilation. Log out. Log back in as admin, well it’s trying to register these classes so it needs access to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. I really don’t wanna do it, because anything that invades my computer in an email will now have access but – what’s a girl to do. Full perms on the classes_root, chug chug while it goes through all gazillion of the. Log out, log back in as me the non-admin, pretty background screen and then….nothing. Nothing nothing. I can get to task manager, get to the dos prompt from there, etc. but I cannot run explorer. Hmmm says I. Back to admin login, everything *looks* okay in documents and settings. Fiddle around for a few hours. Try to do a safe mode login – same thing basic effect with out the pretty picture, but I get all the “safe mode” bits in the 4 corners.
I create a new local login and login as that. Same.
Create a new domain login and login as that. Same.
I go back to admin and gulp – make myself an admin and all is well again. except now I’m back to being a non-admin and feel very exposed and wasted many hours today. Oh well.
I had to laugh when I read the first part of Avonelle’s post on wanting to learn about Reporting Services:
“On my increasingly long list of things to learn…” she says.
How true! It goes with the increasingly long list of books to read.
Ahh, if only it could be forgotten, my favorite Microsoft story ….
This is just too much, but it made me laugh…
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