April Conferences Where I’ll be Teaching, Plus a Workshop

I’ve enjoyed staying home in Vermont for most of 2012 but the wanderlust is setting in. I’m scheduled to speak at two conferences in April:

DevIntersection April 8-12, Las Vegas

I’ll be doing 3 talks at this conference, but am not exactly sure which ones will be selected yet. And yes, there will be some entity framework involved. 🙂 This is going to be a great conference and I’m excited to be included in a great lineup of speakers!

Database Days, April 17-19 in Baden Switzerland

*Full Day Workshop April 17th : Hard Core Entity Framework for Enterprise Developers
During the conference proper, I’ll do two talks:
*One for developers: Entity Framework Code First Migrations
*One for DBAs: Entity Framework & Your Database: Not as Evil as You May Think

While at Database Days, I’m looking forward to seeing Baden, a beautiful and historic town.

  Sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss my conference & Pluralsight course announcements!  

6 thoughts on “April Conferences Where I’ll be Teaching, Plus a Workshop

  1. Hi Julie,

    Our company is developing an application in asp.net mvc 4, entity framework with repository pattern and unit of work.

    I have taken your video courses given in pluralsight. I have some doubts regarding entity framework.

    1. What should i prefer?db first or code first for an existing database.what are the benefits of each?

    2. If i go for db first (with dbcontext poco) can i use data annotations and fluent api,entityconfiguration?

    3. in db first if i want my model class property names different from the table colums, what should i use dataannotations or change model mapping in edmx?

    4. Is it advisable to introduce a wcf layer in between entity framework and mvc?

    Please answer my queries or suggest a good article which gives me in depth knowledge on db first with dbcontext poco, code first and entity framework for enterprise applications . I tried different articles but most of the articles availble in net refer back to older versions of entity framework.


  2. Rob,

    I’ll be at TechEd North America and TechEd Europe in June. You might prefer, however, getting a Pluralsight subscription ($29/month) and watching my many EF videos (and so many more great courses by others!) pluralsight.com. Lots cheaper than going to a workshop! 🙂

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