Code First/Entity Framework 4.1 Videos and Articles on MSDN

Currently, 8 of the 10 videos on Code First and EF 4.1 I have already created for MSDN are online but they are not easy to find.

Three of them are on the page. The others have not been placed there yet although you can find links to the videos at and then from the videos to the articles.

Here are direct links to all of the videos and related articles that are currently online.

  1. Building an MVC 3 App with Code First and Entity Framework 4.1  Whitepaper     Video
  2. Building an MVC 3 App with Model First and Entity Framework 4.1 Whitepaper    Video
  3. Building an MVC 3 App with Database First and Entity Framework 4.1   Whitepaper    Video
  4. Code First Data Annotation   video     article
  5. Code First Relationship Fluent API  video   article not online yet
  6. Code First Database Initializers      video   article not online yet
  7. Validation in Code First and DbContext:  video   article  (note 4/15: MSDN’s EF page points to the annotations content, but I found the correct links πŸ™‚ )
  8. Code First: Mapping Fluent API:  video   article not online yet
  9. DBContext Change Tracker API: video & article not online yet
  10. Code First and WCF Data Services: video & article not online yet


I have provided C# and VB samples to go with each section. The samples are already online for the first three and are available from the pages with the articles, not the videos.

Monday May 2, 2011: There seems to be a problem with the videos on MSDN’s website. I have contacted MSDN. They are aware of the problem and trying to resolve it. Sorry. I just created the videos and have nothing to do with the hosting. πŸ˜‰ Will modify this blog post when the problem has been resolved.  All better now! (8pm EST May 2)

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31 thoughts on “Code First/Entity Framework 4.1 Videos and Articles on MSDN

  1. Hi Julie – loved your EF videos on Pluralsight, and looking forward to the 4.1 PS "more indepth" videos.

    I noticed dbcontext doesnt support calling sprocs for CRUD operations? Is there a workaround of some kind? I went looking for a OnInsert/Update/Delete etc, but didnt see any way to hook it.

    Am I out of luck with dbcontext?

  2. yes and no (out of luck). You can always get to the ObjectContext from the DbContext. In fact I have an idea for a blog post πŸ™‚

  3. @Joe – wanted to point out two things: 1) there is no direct sproc support like the mappoings to override insert/update/delete when you call savechanges. what I didn’t realize is that dbContext does have some database methods via dbContext.Database. See Rene’s comment in the other referenced blog post

  4. That is what I was afraid of -> no way with dbcontext like with ObjectContext savechanges to tell EF "when you want to insert/update/delete use this sproc". This is a bummer πŸ™

    What Im trying to do is to use EF as my DAL, and then have DAL independent (read: no DB access code bloat) classes that can be used both on the server and in a client side silverlight app. This is what drove me to the code first EF stuff.

    But I also need to have sproc usage for the purposes of auditing data changes to the entities in the DB (ie, the sprocs log data changes-> who, when, what etc).

    I want cake and eat too πŸ™‚

  5. Does this make sense? ->

    I do a database first EF impl with ObjectContext for my DAL. I do a completely independent (ie, no EF code) set of classes for the rest of the application. And I have some simple converters between them (wont be much code, its just field copies).

    Make sense, or am I overthinking this?

  6. @joe…perfectly good. Ef simply as a DSL is a great way to leverage ef. Its flexible to fit in a lot if architectures…from drag n drop to something like yours.

  7. Julie:

    Regarding code first and data annotation: how do I define a property so that it maps back to a Text data type in the database?

    Thanks. Great videos and great book.

  8. Great list! I’ve been given a Pluralsight subscription as a user group leader perk, and I’m looking forward to checking out your videos.

  9. Just viewed the Building an MVC 3 App with Database First and Entity Framework 4.1. How would I go about adding data annotation attributes (e.g. [Required]?) Or am I better off using EF code first and then mapping to my database?

  10. Hi Julie, none of the videos seems to working. I tried in Chrome, IE9, and FF4. πŸ™ Thanks!

  11. @Richard

    I’ve heard a few people having problems with the videos and then suddenly they were working again.

    FWIW, I jsut spot checked a fw in chrome and ie9 and am also having problems. The silverlight loader spins at 0%, then goes away and leaves me with a static image but no controls to play/pause etc. Assuming it will resolve itself, just like it broke itself, but I did forward the info to one of the MSDN online folks. (who is hopefully sleeping as it’s Sunday 6:30am his time right now :))

  12. @Linda, the db is in the sample downloads. The samples seem to be attached to the whitepaper not to the video. So go to the page for the db first article and you’ll see the downloads.

  13. Any idea when the "10.Code First and WCF Data Services" article will be online. I am particularly interested in how this will pan out.

  14. @Ady…wish I knew. FWIW, it’s stupid simple. Just a quick 5 minute video so you can see that yes, they do work together. It’s not an architected app. Console app used to demo consuming the service. I’ll ask.

  15. julie,

    Do you remember that I asked you about silverlight and wcf ria. It turns out, wcf ria does not support

    ef code first. Jeremy likness did a great tutorial on silverlight 3 and code first

  16. Dear julie,

    You are right that is what I meant

    The wcf ria team just released support for code first 4.1. Jeff handley…/RIAServicesCode

    I am overjoyed at this news, silverlight, mvvm, code first, microsoft prism at least in my opinion are the way to go when you are talking about n-tier, class libraries,resource dictionaries etc.

  17. I’ve been watching EF 4.1 Videos, very helpful. I hope I could download EF 4.1 Videos.


    I’ve one question, Can I use EF with enterprise application or will it cause any performance issue as application data grow more and more?
    How about linq-sql compare to EF 4.1?

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