Some Observations While Playing With EF7 Alpha Bits: EF7-Able Projects

You can’t install EF7 into just any project. Especially now that they are making the shift to focusing on ASP.NET 5 for it’s initial release.

Here are combinations that will work:

(Have not tried VS2012 ..)

Visual Studio 2013

.NET 4.5.1 projects only

Class Library, Client Projects (WPF, Console, Windows Forms), ASP.NET Projects, WCF

Later in 2015, EF7 will return to working with Windows Phone/Store, but for now, none of the relevant projects will host EF7 (e.g. universal apps, PCLs, etc)

Visual Studio 2015

.NET 4.5.1+ projects only

Class Library, Client Projects (WPF, Console, Windows Forms), ASP.NET Projects, WCF

ASP.NET 5 vNext Console & Class Library projects (and yes, the first sounds like an oxymoron)


ASP.NET apps (and if you’re looking for vNext, those are in the templates)


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