Staying afloat with ADO.NET futures thanks to Roger Jennings and LINQ thanks to Mike Taulty

In my short span betwee MIX and DevTeach (leaving tonight), I’ve been heads down playing with Silverlight’s Inking capabilities and preparing for my DevTeach sessions and avoiding dealing with the delay of EF.

In the meantime, Roger Jennings continues to organize all of the info about ADO.NET Entity Framework into comprehensive posts such as this one.

Mike Taulty’s library of LINQ to SQL videos has grown by orders of magnitude. Now he’s posting LINQ to XML. When I see how many 15-20 minute videos it is taking Mike to demo and explain LINQ to SQL in a way that is satisfactory, it keeps making me laugh at the absurdity of covering whatever I can manage to squeeze into conference sessions that range from 60 – 90 minutes. Mike definitely has the right way to acheive this!!


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2 thoughts on “Staying afloat with ADO.NET futures thanks to Roger Jennings and LINQ thanks to Mike Taulty

  1. Hi Julie,Yes, I’ve been doing some of those 30-90 minutes slots on LINQ (and LINQ to SQL, XML) myself and I know the struggle :-)Mike.

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