Two more Entity Framework videos on Pluralsight

Two new videos that I have created for Visual Studio 2010 have just been published to Pluralsight On-Demand.

If you don’t have a Pluralsight subscription (yet), these videos are available as part of POD’s free guest pass along with lots of other great content.

The new vids are “Exploring the Classes Generated from an Entity Data Model” and “Consuming an Entity Data Model from a Separate .NET Project”.


They’ll be available on the MSDN Data Developer center as well ( in the very near future.

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4 thoughts on “Two more Entity Framework videos on Pluralsight

  1. Hi Julie,

    I’m new to the Entity Framework and right now I am finding I can’t think outside the box. How does one go about separating the business logic when using the Entity Framework. In the past I have always had three projects basically (UI, Business Logic, Data Access Layer). I guess I am looking for structure and how / where to place the business logic. Can you point me in the right direction?



  2. Hi Kyle,

    from my understanding with EF 4 you can basically get rid of an explicit data access layer since that is supplied by the EF at runtime.

    You code (or visually design) the Domain Model and then map it to the Storage Model, which is inferred from the database.

    So the entity classes that you are dealing with in code are part of the business-logic layer, they are not bound to be a 1:1 representation of your tables.

    Try search for "POCO objects" and "Persistence ignorance" material for EF4.

    Hope it helps.


  3. You don’t have to use POCOs in order to separate your business logic.

    The important thing with EF is not to be lazy and work directly with the objectContext in your ui. You can create business layer (and layers and layers) where you encapsulate the objectcontext and then the ui can call those layers and retrieve & return objects to those layers which would then work with the data layer (ef) directly.

    If you are using client apps (eg. winforms/wpf) its a lot easier. If you are using web apps or WCF things change a lot. Can’t really answer in a blog post since it took a whole book to explain. 🙂

    You can also go much further and do PI as Rodro mentions. I have some blog posts on that.

    You should be able to find lots of examples on the web since so many people are writing about EF now.


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