Fun with

A few things to note with the ACL functions in Whidbey,err .NET 2.0.

– If you are using ACL for creating files, you can’t combine it’s use with the file.writeall shortcut. YOu need to use filestreaming. That’s a bummer. (Maybe a temporary one?)

– Pay attention to the complexity and combination of possibilities. FOr example, you can create a filesecurity object that denies deletion of the file. However if that user has certain permissions on that machine, they can just modify the security settings of the file in Windows Explorer and do whatever they want with the it. 

I think it would be interesting to create various objectsecurity objects and persist them (maybe just in a class) so that it would be really easy to apply combinations that you already created. 

Also you need to consider flexibiltiy in assigning these to a particular account or account group. YOu probably won’t want to get stuck hardcoding those accounts in your app.

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