Ahh the bleeding edge

Can someone explain to me what drove me to uninstall the November VS2005 and SQL Server 2005 bits that were running all of my ADO.NET 2.0 demos perfectly well, and replace them with Feb CTP bits? Two days before I have to do a presentation that requires those demos? I’m not the bungee jumping type…really!

update: just to test my nerves a little, the new sql server bits wouldn’t install. Said I didn’t have the minimum config. I finally discovered that somehow it forgot about some of it’s RAM. I thought maybe the virtual DVD ROM was responsible but even disabling all of the drives didn’t help.

Finally I took the box apart and pulled the ram chips out and put them back in and started up. Now I was down to 256. I moved them around and got the beep beep beep (you know – moved them into bad spots) so I put them back in the original positions , restarted and my memory was back and my install went fine.

Over now to my compaq evo laptop which I use to demo whidbey stuff since I have to start updating that now, too. I haven’t used it in november. I couldn’t remember the password! Finally I got in as admin and changed the user password so that it matches my other computers. Oh lordy lord. What a fun night. 🙂


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