INETA Pennsylvania Tour: PowerPoints and Demos

I’m finally recovering from my whirlwind trip of three .NET User Groups in Pennsylvania last week. Thanks to INETA fr enabling me to go an to the u.g. leaders for inviting me.

Here are links to the powerpoints and demos on my website. I have also given your u.g. leaders permission to put them on your u.g. websites as well, so you may find them there too.

Tuesday July 18th: Central Penn .NET: Introduction to Tablet PC Web Development. This was an interesting talk to do. We went from 0 to 60, which is people who have never used a tablet pc and never used the Tablet PC APIs flying through intros to both so that we could get to the fun stuff – ink-enabling web applications. One attendee observed that my solutions all seemed kind of like a big hack -and he was absolutely right. There is no built in way to do this stuff, so I just figured out the best ways that I could to make it happen.
Downloads: The more generic powerpoint is on my website TALKS page. Scroll down to “Developing Ink-Aware Web Applications with the Tablet PC SDK”. You will see the Powerpoint and the zip file for the demos. Since I modified this talk specifically for your group, I have sent the exact powerpoint that you saw on Tuesday to Judy.

Wednesday July 19th: Lehigh Valley .NET: Customized Debugging in Visual Studio 2005. I had a lot of fun doing this talk and wrote all about it on my DevLife blog here. Thanks for all the great questions and the excellent New York style pizza. I spent some time in downtown Bethlehem on Wednesday, including a great lunch at the Apollo with two of the people from the u.g. and then walked around to see the incredible 18th century buildings. Bethlehem is steeped in history. I was really happy to get a chance to go there.
Downloads: I have sent the ppt and zip file to Chris, but you can get them on my site TALKS page. Scroll down to “Customized Debugging in Visual Studio 2005” and you will find a link for the powerpoint and for the zip.

Thursday: July 20th: DotNetValley: Five (Supposedly) Scary Things About .NET (That shouldn’t have to be). I’m sure you guys can tell I love to do this talk. These are all topics that I was afraid to approach myself at one point. I am still not a guru in them, but I am certainly past “know enough to be dangerous” at this point. I think that my non-guru-ness makes it a lot easier to explain it because nothing is so obvious to me that I would assume it is obvious to you. Thanks for having me again and for some of the nice emails you sent after the presentation.
Downloads: You can get these from the TALKS page on my website. Scroll down to Five (Supposedly) Scary Things About .NET (That don’t really have to be). The powerpoint on the site is from a different event, but it is the same as what you saw on Thursday night.

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