Don’t tell me how to vote

Vermont’s statewide town meetings are happening tomorrow. This is a day long event where residents of Vermont’s towns discuss and then vote on budgets and any local elections.It’s a really cool process and a great way to engage everyone in the future of their town. Here’s some info on it from the state of vermont website

In Huntington, there is a race for the town clerk and town treasurer. There is one woman who has held both jobs for a number of years. There are two people who are challenging her, one for clerk and a different one for treasurer. Because it is so local, to me it’s pretty personal. I am friendly with all of the candidates. I am surprised to see placards for one side or the other on people’s lawns because it is so personal and a slap in the face. I don’t care if George Bush knows that I don’t vote for him. I don’t attend the same parties that he does. Rich and I didn’t wait at his house for the ambulance when Rich cracked his head open on Camel’s Hump. I won’t see him at the pancake breakfast or spaghetti dinner.

One of my neighbors has been calling me every few days but not leaving messages. I can see this from the caller id history on my phone. I know this means that they are trying to call me to tell me who I should vote for. I already got a few of these phone calls. A woman I know and like a lot who is campaiging on behalf of one side left a 5 minute message on my answering machine. Someone I didn’t know called last night who was a little more subtle – encouraging me to vote and then telling me that she supports a particular candidate and hopes I do to.

Am I turning into a curmudgeon? I dunno. But it’s definitely aggravating me enough to write about it!

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