The new Jehova’s Witnesses?

The door bell rang this morning and when I went to answer, I saw the Jehova’s Witnesses literature in the hand of the stranger at the door and had the usual dread of wondering how I can politely get her to not take up too much of my time telling me something I’m not interested in hearing. I really can’t do it any other way, even when I know that by coming onto my property, invading my space, demanding my attention and time is more rude than I could possibly be anyway.

Luckily, it wasn’t necessary. She handed me her materials and said “I’d like to leave you this important message”. I said “thanks” and she just smiled, said goodbye and left.

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3 thoughts on “The new Jehova’s Witnesses?

  1. Dear JulieI am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and I’d like to tell you that we only come to your home to talk with you and not just to invade your privacy.Maybe you can try reading some of our lituature and if you really are not interested I’m sure that we will not bother you again. Simply just tell the next witness that comes to your door that you are not interested and that would be very pleased if we would not come again. We really don’t want to take up your time. SincerlyAriana Lehnen

  2. I believe that every human being has the right to choice as do you. The choice to be ignorent or not. I have no intention of offending you with this message but i do wish to inform you of how petty and imature it is that somone takes their valuable time to try and teach you somthing about your creator. And instead of at the least taking a little time to learn somthing you would rather spend that time critisizing. I think that you should do some praying and hope that you have not offended the lord to badly.

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