From Coder to Developer

James Avery points out Mike Gunderloy’s upcoming book which I have had in the back of my head from some conversations with Mike. I’m glad James brought it up to the part of my brain that is closer to the keyboard. Mike writes the most wonderfully practical and educational books (much like is no nonsense Daily Grind!). I checked the description of the book on Amazon. It sounds like it is going to speak to MANY MANY people out there. I know from my user group. It’s the people who don’t want to show you their code. They know that they want to get to the next level and not just write programs that work, but write well-architected applications that really leverage the development tools.

So here is the description of the book:

Are you ready to take the leap from programmer to proficient developer? Based on the assumption that programmers need to grasp a broad set of core skills in order to develop high-quality software, “From Coder to Developer” teaches you these critical ground rules. Topics covered include project planning, source code control, error handling strategies, working with and managing teams, documenting the application, developing a build process, and delivering the product. All of the techniques taught in this unique book are language and platform neutral, and were selected to help you effectively design and develop complex applications.

So if James’ post has a link to my blog and then this post points back to that post is that going to create some cyclical blog thing that brings down the internet or something? (kidding)

okay back to my deployment…

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