Rebecca Dias and Jorgen Thelin discuss where Microsoft stands with Web Services

This is a great interview. Rebecca, who is a program manager for Advanced Web Services at MS and Jorgen, p.m. for Web Services Standards at MS, are interviewed on

They talk about Microsofts stance on web services, WSE being the “speedboat” to implementing WS-* specs today (while they will be baked into core services – aka Indigo – in the future) and more. They were asked some tough questions … such as Microsoft and others’ proprietary specs (although with ws-addressing now in the hands of w3c, it may not be proprietary for long…) and some fun questions like what are your favorite specs. Also, as Microsoft is refining it’s message about Indigo (and especially that little “remoting“ issue) it is interesting to see this bubbling up to the top:

Don speaks of four tenets to service orientation “services are autonomous”, “have explicit boundaries”, “services share schema, contract, not class”, and “share policy”.

And not about passing objects around.

They also have a great explanation about WSE enabling developers to pick & choose which specs you want to implement and what definitiosn you want.

Take a look at SoapContext properties to see this in action. It gives you easy access to stuffing info into the soap header based on the various specs available and each one of these has properties or collections where you can supply whatever rules or information suit your particular need. For example SoapContext.Security.Tokens or SoapContect.Security.Elements or SoapContext.Addressing.EndPointReference.

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