Looking for a serious programming book that has VB code samples? Check out this list

While I will always promote the value of being able to read C# and mentally convert it to VB  and being able to read VB and mentally convert it to C# is a skill I think all VB and C# developers should try to have, admittedly, having to do it with a whole book does sometimes get tiresome.

If you are a VB programmer and constantly plagued with having to translate from C# when you are reading advanced programming books, this list is for you.

Chris Williams has just added a page to his I LOVE VB.net website called Serious VB Booklist.

These are not books filled with Hello World samples.

He is just building up the list now, so it’s light. That doesn’t mean there aren’t very many published, just not very many on his list yet. Let him know if you have any additions.

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