Another reason I hate leaving home in early June

The Rhodenendrons will be in full bloom this week and on their way out when I return. If we get a heavy rain, they’ll probably be gone.rhodies

The lupine are starting to bloom. This is just a tiny corner of the field (I think about 2 acres) in front of our house where there are literally hundreds.


The veggie garden needs watching, watering and weeding. I’m a little nervous about deer this year. Every morning I go out and count tomato plants, etc. Plus there’s a big hole (on the far right) in between the bush beans and zucchini that I still need to fill; but it will have to wait and therefore some late plantings. This ain’t no Bill McCarthy garden, but it’s what I can manage.

garden 005

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2 thoughts on “Another reason I hate leaving home in early June

  1. Love those lupins !I was just reading that you can eat them and use them pretty much like you can soy.And the veggie patch looks good too !! although the fence should be on the outside <g>Oh and thanks for the nice comments about my garden, but your’s looks damn good too !The true measure of a successful garden is the joy it brings you 🙂

  2. haha – that’s not a fence, it’s for the peas. 🙂 (I bet you knew that too!) See the one red leaf lettus in the front corner? It was a volunteer which I set aside when we tilled, then put in again. Gotta love the volunteers.Will check the lupin lore. Good to know.

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