It was cool on Saturday so Rich & I decided to go for a hike on the Long Trail. We drove to the top of the App Gap (which is near our home) and hiked south on the LT. This crosses over the top of the Mad River Glen trails, so we had lunch at the top of the double chair, looking out over the White Mountains in New Hampsire and then went on to to top of the Single Chair. There was some stuff that was pretty daunting to me in between those two spots, so rather than turn around and do them going back down, we hiked back down the ski trails and cut over to the road. Here are some pictures I took along the way.
There was a lot of Trillium (will look through my wildflower books this weekend to try to see what the heck these are! They looked like a cross between a trillium family and wild orchid family to me..) along the way which was suprising to see in late June.

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nice.I’m glad to see your getting the most out of your summer at home.
I love the boots pic!
Looks like good fun was had by all. I love the "boots at rest photo."
You are correct in thinking you should not be seeing trillium in this season. Neither those flowers nor those leaves are trillium. Trillium blossoms are single and not on upright stalks.<>