Timothy Ng from the Visual Basic team is coming to speak at New England Code Camp!

Boy am I excited about this.

Timothy Ng is on the VB team and wrote the recent MSDN Magazine article on Lambda Expressions for VB developers. I understood lambdas better than ever after reading the article … finally something from the VB perspective.

His two talks are:

LINQ-ing your data
In this session, I will explore how LINQ will change the way you think about data in your applications. In particular, I will explore how LINQ provides a higher abstraction for accessing your data, provides a common abstraction across data domains, and allows for simplified data transformations. I will focus on LINQ to XML as the transformation technology, and the various XML features that are available in VB.

LINQ from the Ground Up
In this session, I will explore the fundamentals of LINQ by examining how the various language features (such as extension methods, type inference, lambda expressions, and anonymous types) form the foundation for LINQ. I will share some of the experiences that the VB compiler team had while building LINQ, in hopes that it will help you build your applications on LINQ. Examples will be in VB, but this talk applies to C# folks who are interested in learning how the fundamentals work as well. All language concepts apply to both VB and C#.

I sure wish I was seeing these before I do my LINQ talk in San Diego on Tuesday! 🙂

Richard Hale Shaw will be doing some pretty cool LINQ talks too which will be a C# focus.

Before I learned that Tim was coming, I was already excited about the Code Camp speaker roster. This will be the first time that Jesse Liberty and Fritz Onion (who are “local” in about the same way that I am local… well, I guess Fritz’s drive is even longer than mine). Jesse recently started working for Microsoft (see? I managed not to say “swallowed the red pill”!) and he is “da man” at Microsoft on Silverlight. Fritz is a true ASP.NET plumber who amazed us all with his book Essential ASP.NET in the .NET 1.0 days and again with the updated version for ASP.NET 2.0, because it explained HOW ASP.NET actually worked and he continues to spelunk on our behalves.

There are already almost 40 sessions listed with tons of amazing expertise on display.

I’ll be doing a talk on Astoria, a session on using Entity Framework in multi-tiered apps (and getting a little nervous that nobody seems to be doing an Intro to entity framework session) and a session on ASP.NET Databinding with LINQ.

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