Looking forward to 3 hour WSE for Humans Workshop at DevConnections

As I am looking at my presentation for the 3 hour workshop I am doing on WSE Security at Connections in a few weeks, I am really excited about it. This the first time I won’t have to cram all of this information in a short session – or skip a lot of it. I am going to have plenty of time to go over the security fundamentals as well as the basics of WSE 2.0, such as what they are, how they work and how to work with the API and Policy.

Remember that this is not a regular session at ASP.NET Connections, but a pre-conference Workshop on Sunday afternoon, which you have to register for additionally. There don’t seem to be any other WSE 2.0 focused talks at the conference, although there will be some Indigo sessions and Christian Weyer and Malek Kemmou will be doing sessions on Web Services . So if you want to get started with WSE and also be prepared to start learning about Indigo, I highly recommend the extra session so that you won’t feel lost at the higher level ones!


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