Why I spent a Sunday afternoon trying to get SecureConversation to work

By process of (hours of) elimination I have solved a problem that was driving me batty today!

I have a WSE 3.0 enabled client app that calls a WSE enabled web service.

After creating a UsernameToken, the client application was setting the credentials on the web service proxy using the generic overload:

proxy.SetClientCredential(Of UsernameToken) (myUT)

As I built the tests up one by one everything was working swimmingly… until I added in the SecureConversation into the client and service policies. (establishSecurityContext=”true”).

Then I was getting a 401 Access denied whenever I tried to hit the web service. I could see through the status of the tracing that I was not even touching the web server on these calls.

Setting the SecureConversation to false let everything work again.

I spent quite a lot of time experimenting and scrutinizing my settings, configs, etc.

I even loaded up the sample application for Secure Conversation which worked perfectly fine.

Both web services were in IIS and I compared everything. config files, policy files, IIS properties and security, folder security.

Combing through these, I tested every little thing that was different – folder access permissions and more. I explored differences in code such as setting the soapversion explicitly on the proxy. Nothing made a difference.

But finally, I came upon the nominal difference that was causing the problem (though I have no explanation for it).

It was the use of generics in setting the ClientCredential on the proxy.

When I used the non-generic method, as the sample uses:


instead of

proxy.SetClientCredential(Of UsernameToken) (myUT)

suddenly I was getting a response from the server. It was still an error, but I knew I was finally getting through to the server.

The new error was my method of doing authorization on the token. This new token was “just a securityContextToken” and not a UsernameToken.

In my web service, I had cobbled together some old WSE 2.0 authorization code with some WSE 3.0 code which looked like this

dim tok as UsernameToken=RequestSoapContext.Current.IdentityToken

if tok.Principal.IsInRole(….blah blah blah

When attaching the credentials using the generic method, IdentityToken was returned as a UsernameToken, but now it is not. It has a base of UsernameToken, but it doesn’t cast (I tried) to UsernameToken.

I can get the principal directly from IdentityToken anyway, so I just modified that code

dim tok as SecurityToken = RequestSoapContext.Current.IdentityToken
if tok.Principal.IsInRole(….blah blah blah

This cost me many many hours. At least now there will be something for Google to find!!

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