Beta2 SqlDependency

Wally and I have been keen on ensuring that SqlDependency – which was pretty tricky to get working when I was first learning about it- still works. Of course it does! 🙂 I have a handful of SqlDependency demos in my ADO.NET 2.0 talk that worked just great with the Feb CTP bits (after a lot of figgerin’ and head scratchin’). I only happen to have fired one of them up so far with Beta2.

The only change I noticed so far was that the OnChanged event is now called OnChange. (You will get a compile error message that says OnChanged is not a member of SqlClient.)

So other than that, my code that worked in Beta1 Feb CTP Bits remains the same and works charmingly.

In SQL Server 2005 the Service Broker is still not enabled out of the box on databases. So you have to remember to enable it with: ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks SET ENABLE_BROKER

I also noticed something funny but then it went away. In SQL Server Management Studio, my tables first were listed as Contact (Person), Employee (HumanResources), etc. But then after closing it and opening it again, they went back to Person.Contact and HumanResources.Employee. I don’t think I changed anything, so I’m not sure what was up with that but will keep an eye out for it.

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