SQLDependency Callbacks

If you have ever used a SqlDependency in .NET 2.0, have you ever inspected the object before you execute your command?

In the object is a property called Callback ID. When I am running both the .NET code and SQL Server on the same machine or same network, this is set up to traverse back through TCPIP.

<Key>a55f6539-5d30-4e67-b87a-a4e3ebb85131</Key>” is the address of the client machine and 58343 is one of the ports that SqlDependency is pre-defined to use. This is using Beta2 bits and I expect that this will change when I load the next CTP onto my computer. But for now, it’s interesting to see.

I am now curious to see what the message looks like when it arrives in SQL Server’s clutches, before it strips out the query and sends it off to be processed.


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