Category Archives: Vermont

Mad River to finally open this weekend

While Jay Peak, in it’s very own weather zone, is boasting snow (only 60 miles north of us) and Denver is getting another 30 inches on top of the coupla feet they got last week, poor little Mad River Glen (the reason we live in Vermont) is finally going to open this weekend with a minimal base and minimal snow on top of that. Most of the other resorts around here are suffereing as well, but now that the cold has set in at least they can confidently make snow. Mad River actually has some snow making equipment as well, but oh, how I hate skiing on that. There are about 2 inches of snow in our front yard and I just can’t take it any more. I’m going to put in my old tele “rock skis” and go ski around the yard, grab the mail and then get back to work. No point in going out into the woods as there’s never as much snow in there as there is out in the open. For that, I can’t even justify snow shoes, though flip flops would be pushing it….

The falls behind my house

There are some beautiful falls that I can get to from my backyard, though they are a little off the beaten path.

I finally brought my camera back there yesterday. It’s really hard to capture the full impact of the falls which are about 20 or 25 feet high, fall into a beautiful small pool of water and then go down a stream to meet a larger stream. So in addition to these pics, I took a short video. The high quality video is 24 MB, the low quality version is about 4MB.

This white stuff…

There’s some unusual white stuff falling out of the sky this morning. The air is thick with it. White fluffy little flakes like someone’s shaking a huge box of those old fashioned laundry flakes. The wierdest thing is that it is sticking to the ground which is now mostly white with little bldes of grass sticking up in it.

Wait – I think… could it be…we just haven’t seen it for so long here in Vermont.


It’s pretty sad that it’s Dec 19th and there’s no real skiing yet. Poor Mad River Glen still hasn’t opened yet. The bigger places that can make snow have been struggling against the unusually warm weather. There was an article in the paper this weekend about the alternate activities the ski resorts are coming up with for people who made their reservations and just came up anyway.

Hedging my bets with the winter storms and air travel

I was supposed to fly to Seattle today (that’s a cross country trip for me) by way of Chicago O’Hare. O’Hare was closed yesterday with something like 400 flights cancelled because of the weather, so I was a little nervous about what might happen with a 7:30am flight out of Burlington, where we were also having nasty weather and a forecast of snow in the morning). So I changed my flights to Monday (United was letting travellers do this without penalties) and freed up my seats on today’s flights for some happy person stuck in Chicago.

I looked today on the United site and saw that both of my flights went without a hitch and on time. But, it was still a great thing that I happened to do this since our power went out at 6pm last night and didn’t come back on till 8am (very high winds and big nasty storm – trees down everywhere!). So I would never have been able to get my act together to get out the door at 6am this morning for a week long trip anyway.

Happily it was a nice day today so I got to spend it with my hubby doing errands (including finally replacing my 12 year old UGLY ski jacket!) and going for a nice walk out to some hidden falls in the forest behind our house. He had never seen them before and I had only seen them for the first time a week ago. I forgot to bring my camera though. (Next time, I promise, so I can share.) Becaue of all the rain in the past days, the streams and rivers around here are wild so the falls and the streams around it were amazing!

Analysis Services at Vermont SQL Meeting Tonight!(9/27)

 Vermont SQL Server User Group

Next Meeting
Introduction to Analysis Services 2005
Our next user group meeting will be Wednesday, September 27 2006  –   6pm to 8pm at Competitive computing.
Session Description
Analyzing data requires different techniques to fit different scenarios. OLAP cubes provide structured hierarchical views of data to aid drill-down analysis, while Data Mining attempts to predict structural relationships within the data. This session will provide an overview of these modern analysis methods, with examples of the applications of both techniques. Highlights of the programmability interface such, as MDX will also be covered.
Tamer Farag joined Microsoft Egypt in August 2000 as a SQL Server Technical Specialist. He performed multiple SQL Server responsibilities in Egypt, including pre-sales, marketing, support, and training. He’s also been responsible for recruiting and supporting local SQL Server 2000 partners to develop large-scale solutions. In July 2002, he was promoted to a Senior TS position. Due to his focus on BI, he’s been identified as an expert in the Middle East region and has gotten involved in large BI projects outside of Egypt. Starting from October 2004 Tamer moved to Microsoft Canada to work as a Partner Technical Specialist focusing on SQL Server. Some of his proudest accomplishments include helping to grow SQL Server revenue by 300% in Egypt and delivering the general session in the Middle-east Developers’ Conference (MDC 2004).
Idera is sponsoring pizza and soda for the meeting, so PLEASE rsvp if you are planning to attend so we can order the right amount!   (