Dino E on Partial Classes

Dino Esposito has an article in the current Code Magazine called “Implications and Repercussions of Partial Classes in the .NET Framework 2.0“. It is a good, thoughtful look at partial classes, what you might want to do with them, where they are obviously beneficial, and where they are possibly beneficial. One of the approaches he was suggesting (as doable, not necessarily a best practice) was using partial classes (in SMALL apps) to organize your business logic, data logic, etc. As I was reading that part, my temperature started to rise and then I got a great laugh when he writes:

“Is this approach recommended? It depends. It surely provides you with an alternative. If you’re a design and OOP puriset, you’re already putting a curse on me. So, guess what? In this case, I woulnd’t even suggest this to you. Onthe other hand, if you’re moroe open-minded and used to looking at final results, you might want to take a closer look at this approach.”


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