VTSDA meeting tomorrow: Tom Evslin: Developer, Entrepreneur, Author

Next Meeting — Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tom Evslin

Software developer, entrepreneur, author

Tom Evslin’s remarkable career has taken him from nerd to CEO to novelist and consultant with a brief stop as Transportation Secretary for the State of Vermont.  He founded and ran a successful Vermont software company for a number of years, an experience which became a springboard to even bigger and better things.

Tom’s talk will be wide ranging and very interactive.  It will include:

  • His recent work with the Governor’s Committee of Telecom to address broadband issues in Vermont.
  • Hearing members’ input about jobs that are possible, or not possible, given the current state of broadband.
  • Clever ways that people have coped with broadband limitations.
  • The benefits of “open spectrum”.
  • Tom reading from his novel hackoff.com: an historic murder mystery set in the Internet bubble and rubble.
  • Q&A about the book, the bubble, and the technology used to serialize the book online (available free at www.hackoff.com in text and podcast versions)

His novel “hackoff.com: an historic murder mystery set in the Internet bubble and rubble” is available free online and for purchase from Amazon and other outlets. His popular blog Fractals of Change is at blog.tomevslin.com.

Tom EsvlinEvslin was cofounder (with wife Mary), Chairman and CEO of ITXC Corp. The NASDAQ-listed company grew from startup in 1997 to the world’s leading provider of wholesale VoIP and one of largest carriers of international voice minutes of any kind by 2004 when it was acquired.

Evslin conceived, launched, and ran AT&T’s first ISP, AT&T WorldNet Service. WorldNet popularized all-you-can-eat flatrate monthly pricing for Internet access and forced the rest of the industry, including AOL and MSN, to follow suit. Evslin has been blamed and praised for this ever since. He is unrepentant.

At Microsoft, Evslin was responsible for the server products now in Microsoft BackOffice including Microsoft Exchange and for Exchange’s predecessor Microsoft Mail.

Evslin came to Microsoft when key assets of Solutions, Inc. (a software company he founded and he and Mary ran) were sold to Microsoft. In the 1970s Solutions developed the first commercial EFT software for banks. In the 1980s Solutions was the first developer of commercial communications software for the Macintosh.

Evslin is a member of the Board of Directors of The Snelling Center for Government and of ShoreCap Exchange.  In the private sector, he is a board member of FeedBlitz LLC.

For many years Evslin was Policy Chairman of the Voice on the Net Coalition and a member of the organization’s Board of Directors.

Evslin is an inventor on six granted US patents.  He lives in Stowe, Vermont.

Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Place: Courtyard by Marriott
           175 Hurricane Lane
           Williston, VT

Plenty of free parking
Map & directions

12:00 – 12:45      Lunch and Informal Networking
12:45 – 2:00        Presentation & Discussion

Meeting Fee: $10
To help offset the cost of lunch, we charge a meeting fee. Please RSVP at least 24 hours prior to the event to ensure that a lunch is available for you. To RSVP, please email

Upcoming meetings

November 15 Tom Rainey
President of the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies

December 13 TBD
Date change! December’s meeting will be on the second Wednesday.

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