ADO.NET 2 article in MSDN Magazine

I finally got my copy of the April 2005 issue of MSDN Magazine in the mail this afternoon and am very proud to have my first article for them in there. It’s on ADO.NET 2.0. I wrote this article in July against the May bits.I had to update the article for the October bits and then again for the November bits. Then I had to go through it one last time before it went to press in early February.  I learned soooooo much in the process of doing this as some of you may have seen by my frequent posts about different things in ADO.NET 2.0. I also had a lot of help from the very patient Pablo Castro, the PM on the ADO.NET team. No amount of Lake Champlain Chocolates can readily repay him, but I did try.

I do not envy people writing books during alpha and betas of a product. 🙂

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