New England’s Code Camp III this weekend!!

sure to be fun!

I’m doing 3 talks – two are brand new talks that I am warming up for DevConnections – “What’s New in ADO.NET 2.0” (with a slant towards development since it is for ASP.NET Connections) and “C# for VB(6) Programmers”. I just decided at this moment to put the “6” in parens because this is just as easily C# for VB.NET programmers (my original intent), but I make special accomodation to focus on things that are specific to VB6 programmers who are new. This talk is mostly about syntax. A lot of fun. I’m thinking of letting the attendees challenge me to try to code an if statement or a new class in C# from scratch and see how much I rely on the compile time errors to show me where I have forgotten the special syntax – left parens out of a method call or something! But at least I can decipher the error messages really quickly! Here’s a crazy example:

string[] names;
names=new string[5] {“John”,”Mary”,”Rich”,”Julie”,”Kat”};

string() names;
names=new string(5) {“John”,”Mary”,”Rich”,”Julie”,”Kat”};

The incorrect syntax throws SIXTEEN build errors and none of them say anything about ( ) or [ ]!

 I am also going to do what I think is a very important talk – “Getting Ready for WSE 2.0: Security Fundamentals and a Brief Intro”. This is where I focus on explaining things like encryption, hashing, digital certificates, digital signatures, etc. I LOVE doing this talk. I will be doing this as the first part of my 3 hour pre-con workshop at ASPConnections on March 20th.

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