A good day to play hookey

Today I did what people think that I do frequently, though it’s actually (and sadly) not common. I went skiing. That’s right  – on a work day! RIch and I took off at 8:30 and didn’t get home until about 3:30. We hooked up with a fellow Vermont.NETter and awesome tele skiier who commented on how many people must have called in sick that morning (which made Rich and I , both self-employed, laugh about being the only ones not getting paid to ski), and spent most of the day in the woods. I’m a crappy skiier in the woods (always worried about those trees!) but I still love being in there. It’s not pretty, but I can get through it.

Mad River got about 2 feet of this fluffy stuff on Monday and Tuesday.So we had epic powder (western style powder, deep and light and fluffy) and I wasn’t going to miss it. Even if it was 0 degrees out. Brr! 


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