Mike Gunderloy yawns over tablet pcs

Geeze Mike, don’t you read my blog?

Ahh  I’m kidding. I know you do. But, dude, when you yawn about tablets because all you are seeing is

  • Drawing programs
  • Programs that let you annotate existing content in other file formats
  • Programs that let you fill in forms

    …it makes me wonder if you have seen my many posts about the tablet applications that help me think out of the box – the box you have just drawn.

    Applications like XThink (for grown ups), MathPractice (for kids), the Circuit App that Loren  Heiny is working on. Why not peruse through the different software on TabletPCPost and check out some of the things that go beyond the box.

    Not one of these is a killer app, either. There are definitely a lot of vertical market uses for a tablet. That’s the biggest chunk of the current market. The next is those who want the coolness factor. Someday tablets will be a fact of life. For now, people do need a real reason to get one.

    Regarding ArtRage – someone like me has no use for that, but it’s definitely more than vertical market. The vertical market would be the graphics designers who are doing amazing things with it.

    btw – thanks Don Kiely, for pointing out Mike’s new blog.

    Posted from BLInk!
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